Saturday, 11 June 2011

Yoohoo babies reunited!

Lettice and Parsnip have not seen each other since their trip to Paris in mid-April.  Since Lettice's mummy was leaving for Florida, Lettice asked if she could come and stay with her friend and fellow Yoohoo.  I had my reservations since she has a reputation for being unruly and I didn't think it fair to put so much extra responsibility on Parsnip while I was at work.  However, last night, Parsnip reminded Lettice of the valuable lessons in etiquette and restraint that he had taught her in Paris.  He excelled himself in his role of ambassador and the pair have been quietly watching television this evening.  Lettice even asked some intelligent questions about 'Game Of Thrones' ("Why is the blonde man's armour so shiny and gold?).  Her behaviour has been impeccable, although I'm sure some home sickness will kick in over the next few days. Here they are watching television quietly before bed.

1 comment:

  1. We want more from the adventures of Lettice and Parsnip! How does Lettice cope with adverts? xx
