Saturday, 11 June 2011

127 Hours

OMG - I've just seen Danny Boyle's '127 Hours' and...I'm speechless. I never expected it to be that brilliant. I don't know quite what to do with myself now! It's a shame that James Franco can't behave like Aron Ralston in real life (i.e. like a normal human being).

I was literally sitting on the edge of the sofa for almost the entire film and the way his life and hallucinations were connected seemed effortless and perfectly pitched. My setting for watching the film was perfect, too, as the sun was setting over the common with only candles for lighting.


  1. I'm SO EXCITED that you saw this! Isn't it amazing?!! I absolutely loved it and it's also the only film that I like James Franco in. As much as it pains us both to admit it, he was pretty much perfect for that part. The whole film is just so brilliant and gripping though - I had my hand over my mouth for quite a lot of it and I was contorting in my seat as if I was having a spasm!! The sound design is sooo good - the bit when he has to sever his nerve - arggghhhh!!!! I loved the way it was shot - it's a real feat to make this story so visually compelling. The colours of the earth and sky and stuff are really beautiful too. I can't wait to chat with you about it!

  2. Oh my gosh, I'm so glad you posted about this as I might never have known how much you both like it! I must say the premise doesn't appeal to me as I am a little squeamish but it sounds like it's worth a bit of 'squeaming', right? Another one to add to the list!
