Thursday 23 June 2011

Seed heart

Here is Teasel and her new seed heart. She was very pleased with it but I'm always fair with my babies so all the others got one, too.

Spot all four hammies!

Furry Milk

Here is Scout proudly showing off the glass of fur milk she and Rollo produced when they were brushed. By the end of the day, they were all tufty again :(

Hamster paradise

When I cleaned the hamsters out, I decided to do a bit of a house swap. Now, Clover & Catkin share the bottom level, Teasel is in the middle and Quince is still on top! I have now bought Clover Catkin a burrow box to share, too. All of them seem extremely happy and that makes me happy, too!

Saturday 18 June 2011

Captain America

I'm not a Chris Evans fan (US actor one not the ginger one!), but I was really intrigued & impressed by the SFX on the 'Captain America' trailer that made him super scrawny at the start. I wasn't that interested in seeing the film but I think the journey before he undergoes the experiment & becomes a superhero could be a bit more interesting to watch. Look at the difference between the first of how he looks normally (from 'Fantastic Four') & the 2 pics from his new film.

Clark Little

I have a favourite photographer! I have just discovered Clark Little's photos of waves that he takes. He lives in Hawaii & is a brilliant surfer, then his wife asked him to take an ocean picture for their bedroom wall. He went out with a camera & started capturing the most amazing wave photos ever!

Here are a few examples...he has a website (, books and prints. I want! I want! I want!

Tuesday 14 June 2011

Attitude Is Worth More Than Skills

Nimbus was very put out that his space on the sofa had been taken and that everyone was reading newspapers, so we gave him the business section. The little catcus knows how much Mummy Claire wants to be a stay at home Mummy so he found an article which might help him get some work.

Hamsters in the Sun

Partly as a way to keep the hamsters out of trouble while I cleaned them out, I decided to put Quince in her little exercise wheel. After a bit of time rolling around the study floor, I thought it was time for her to smell the grass. She met Rollo, Scout...and Nimbus!

Saturday 11 June 2011

127 Hours

OMG - I've just seen Danny Boyle's '127 Hours' and...I'm speechless. I never expected it to be that brilliant. I don't know quite what to do with myself now! It's a shame that James Franco can't behave like Aron Ralston in real life (i.e. like a normal human being).

I was literally sitting on the edge of the sofa for almost the entire film and the way his life and hallucinations were connected seemed effortless and perfectly pitched. My setting for watching the film was perfect, too, as the sun was setting over the common with only candles for lighting.

A Summer's Evening On The Hill

Here are a few pictures of my hill after the sun as set.

Pull Of The Bush

Just before Kate released Director's Cut, I was having a nostalgic moment searching for lots of pictures of her when she was young. Amongst the photos were these artworks, which I really love. You can find them on

Dust bath

Rollo has been very excited by the flower bed and the eunonymus shrub in it. He has been digging all round the plant then rolling in the dry earth. He looked mighty pleased with himself when he was done. I don't think I could say the same for my shrub :(

Rabbits, rabbits, rabbits!

Over half term, my two mini lop rabbits, Rollo & Scout, have been relocated to the corner of my postage stamp sized garden. They are now shaded by a little maple tree and have their very own bit of flowerbed to dig in.

It also seemed like the perfect time for some nail trimming. Rollo was very well behaved but Scout had to be turned into a rabbit sausage roll in order to get her claws without getting her teeth, too!

Yoohoo babies reunited!

Lettice and Parsnip have not seen each other since their trip to Paris in mid-April.  Since Lettice's mummy was leaving for Florida, Lettice asked if she could come and stay with her friend and fellow Yoohoo.  I had my reservations since she has a reputation for being unruly and I didn't think it fair to put so much extra responsibility on Parsnip while I was at work.  However, last night, Parsnip reminded Lettice of the valuable lessons in etiquette and restraint that he had taught her in Paris.  He excelled himself in his role of ambassador and the pair have been quietly watching television this evening.  Lettice even asked some intelligent questions about 'Game Of Thrones' ("Why is the blonde man's armour so shiny and gold?).  Her behaviour has been impeccable, although I'm sure some home sickness will kick in over the next few days. Here they are watching television quietly before bed.