Saturday, 8 October 2011

Renegade Craft Fair

Sally & I went to the Renegade Craft Fair in London today, full of lots of lovely crafty bits & workshops as well as some amazing prints. I bought a very atmospheric Viking T-shirt from a lovely American artist & we had yummy tea in Tinderbox! Now we're settling in for an evening of Merlin & X-Factor. Guilty pleasures ahoy!


  1. that sounds like great fun - wish i could have joined you for both parts of the day! xx

  2. Yes indeed it was a lovely day and I'm so proud of you for going to London twice in one month!! But it was worth it because that Viking t-shirt is fierce ;-)

    I think the only part of this post open to debate is the rating of x-factor - the two-and-a-half hour running-time tipped it firmly out of the guilty "pleasure" category and into "slit my wrists if I have to sit through another advert break" - next week we're gonna record and fast-forward!
